Thursday, September 21, 2017

One year old Jordyn!!!!

Oh my goodness!!! My baby is one! It's crazy, and kinda sad. I love love love this baby. She is so cute. She has the perfect amount of ornery'ness' and sass, but she also turns around and gives hugs and tons of smiles. She has the best baby body with all the chub in the right places.

She has been an easy baby in my opinion. She is easy going, and tough. She doesn't get frustrated easily and works hard to figure things out. Especially when it has to do with climbing.  This girl has no fears. I thought Madi was a brave baby.... she wasn't. Jordyn is a champion mover and climber, absolutely nothing stops her!

She is also very observant! She claps when we sing about clapping, participates in our family cheer, wiggles her fingers, rolls her arms, and even folds her arms for prayer. She dances to any and all songs!

Love love my little Jordyn!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Wilson's Orchard

Weather has been tricky this past month in Iowa City. I am not sure how to dress my children most days. It is the season of having to turn on your heat in the morning, but then you AC in the afternoon. However, it is beautiful here. It's hard to imagine a Fall without trees.

Every year... so far... not that we have been here that long, we have gone to Wilson's Orchard. Every single time we have a nice relaxing evening. It helps when you get good pictures too! Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Iowa State Fair

We have heard raving reviews about the Iowa fair. We decided we needed to go at least once when we lived here. It is about two hours away, so we left early one Saturday morning. I do not have pictures of the car ride. It is not something I want to remember. Madison literally whined the whole way.

At the fair we saw a ton of animals. They had little ponies and horses for us to pet. We saw goats, sheep, zebras, a porcupine, and then of course pigs, sheep, and cows.

This is both of my girl's reactions when it comes to most animals. ( I can't blame them, I have a similar reaction, Jordan thinks we are ridiculous)

She observes from a far

Timid yet somewhat interested

Watching the camel rides ---- we are too poor for such nonsense :)

And of course we had to see the famous butter cow sculpture 

Another huge aspect of a fair is fair food. There are sooo many options!!! Because I had never experienced a fair before, and we don't really plan to experience too many more, we decided to buy some stereotypical fair food. We had a turkey leg, deep fried mac and cheese bites, and then same ice cream nachos. All were delicious.

This doesn't even begin to give an accurate visual of the crowds. It was packed in most places.

Showing the girls our huge turkey leg

A highlight for the girls was a little farm walk through. They had a bunch of little stops where we put on hats, aprons, and gathered fruit in baskets. We planted food, fed animals, sold our food, and bought a treat in the end. It was a fun little simulation of farm life.

There was a lot of waiting in line and entertaining babies

Look at the huge squash patch... maybe pumpkin?

Madison enjoying her spoils she bought with the money she earned from harvesting and selling on the farm. It was like a life size version of THE FARMING GAME!

Love my fam and our adventures. This isn't one I would necessarily repeat in this stage of life, but we experienced the fair!!!!