Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Campus Campout

Jordan and I like to go on adventures. Usually the risky type are the most fun. We decided to spend a night on campus. We spent the night hiding from janitors, playing ticket to ride, and listening to music.

With our sleeping bags and pads, it wasn't to bad of a night. There were no windows so we had no idea when the sun came up and ended up sleeping in for a while.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Crochet Headbands

I love to crochet! I found this tutorial on Pinterest, tweaked it to my own liking and really like the results. These are little headbands that I crocheted to keep my ears warm in the winter. I crocheted the grey one for me, and then the others I gave away to my sister who is going on a mission to Spain. (forgive my photography, I am not a photographer, just a crafter. Someday I will get better)

Here is the link that I got most of my pattern from. Mostly it is just a combination of single and double crochets.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Do you know who I am

Jordan showed me this video clip the other night. I laugh all the time.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My bike

Jordan bought me a bike when we got married. He rides his bike everyday to school and thought it would be a good idea for me to do as well. I love my bike. Especially in the summer and spring time. However, now it is winter, and riding my bike is not only very cold, but sometimes it is even dangerous with all the ice!!!
Usually, I ride my bike to the base of a little hill. I park the bike and then walk up the hill to class. Some days, however, Jordan decides that the hill is to far and we are going to carry our bikes up the stairs that are about a block closer to our house.

Not my favorite experience. Plus it made it worse that Jordan thought it was so funny that he would take pictures of it.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Kitty and Boxes

We love our kitty so much! (usually) Sometimes he makes the bathroom smell and wants to climb all over us the one time we want to do homework. However, usually he makes us laugh. Lately he has found fascination with boxes.

We love this little guy, even if our hands have bite marks and millions of little scratches.