Monday, August 15, 2016

Pregnancy #2

It is no secret that I am pregnant, but I thought I would give an update. Only 6 weeks to go!

This post is going to be very very honest. Pictures were a little hard to find.. But I found a few that hopefully represent the development of my 2nd baby. If you would like to see my first pregnancy you can read the blog posts about pregnancy here.

This pregnancy was way worse. I can honestly say that I hated being pregnant from day one.

1st trimester: I don't even count this as a time period. NOTHING was accomplished or done to be worth remembering. It was the dead of winter, we had just moved, and I hardly left the couch. Madison and I read a lot of books and ate a lot of crackers. I realized how important sleep training is to me. If Madi didn't take a long nap every afternoon, I am not sure we would have survived.... haha, but seriously. Luckily it came to an end.

2nd trimester: Like any average pregnancy, this time is the most doable. My sickness went away. Dinner started getting made, and Madi and I had a blast visiting Rexburg and doing all the fun summery things that Iowa City has to offer. We found out we were having another girl and I immediately started planning a blessing dress. I grew a ton this trimester. I will probably have another huge baby, I just hope all this pregnancy stuff doesn't cause too much havoc on my body. Back pain also came, I had a little with my 1st, but not this early or intense. . .  Also, my bladder doesn't work. :)

3rd trimester: I am in the midst and huge! I get tired easily, but I don't feel sick or queasy. I am sooo excited for the baby to come. I am curious to what she will look like and be like. I am always interested in knowing what their little personalities will be. Labor and delivery is making me a little nervous as time gets closer, but hey... modern medicine is awesome if I can't handle it.

I feel so lucky that I have had healthy pregnancies and that I seem to get pregnant fairly easily. Regardless of these blessing, being pregnant is hard. My self-esteem has taken a hit and is probably the reason for a lack of pictures of my 'developing body.' However, I let Jordan take this last picture because I want this next baby to know that I am soooo excited for her to come.  I cannot wait to hold her in my arms, introduce her to her awesome Daddy and big sister.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

We swim a lot now

Madison has always LOVED water. Even from being a newborn she has loved baths, sprinklers, and swimming pools. She has not had fear of the water yet.

Luckily, this summer we have got to go swimming a lot.

Madison 7 months

Our apartment complex in Iowa has a pool that we love. Especially on hot hot humid days. It really is the only relief..... and with the humidity it is only partly a relief, but still. I love that it is so easy to get up from a nap, stick on her swimsuit, and head outside to swim. I decided to take some pictures before the summer is over/life gets more busy.

She really is a little fish. We put her in a puddle jumper a couple of months ago, and at first she hated it. She couldn't figure out how to balance. But a couple of swims later she became a pro! She loves the freedom of kicking around the pool.

Everything is more fun when her crazy dad comes along!