Monday, August 31, 2015

I Am Married to a Champion..... finally

After close to 6 years at BYU, almost two degrees, and 18 different seasons of BYU Intramural Sports, Jordan finally earned his 'Intramural Champion Shirt'!!!

This past Summer term Jordan played on a Flag Football team. This team, LITERALLY, got smoked every game. However, come tournament time, they pulled it together. Each game in the tournament was close, and making it to the championship game was almost surreal.

Probably the most intense game of my life.
Down by 5 points.
They caught a long pass, touch down in the final seconds of the game.
The team pulled out a win and called themselves CHAMPIONS!

Monday, August 24, 2015

The Raspberry Patch

This past weekend we went raspberry picking at The Raspberry Patch in Payson, Utah. It was a blast. We had so much fun and Madi loved crawling around in the dirt.

Madi with her goofy smile!

We picked 8 pounds of berries!

My little family.

Pretty sure Madi liked the dirt better then the raspberries. We were so excited to make jam though.

We made 8 jars of jam and even have a bit leftover for freezer jam and some homemade ice cream.

 Here is a cute little sneak peak of a candid. I also put some new cute photos in the Happily Ever After page in the blog. My Grandpa took some beautiful pictures in Heber City at our last reunion.
Whenever Madison gets a little bit nervous, she puts her hand on her head. (We actually are very careful with her, she is just a scaredy cat!)