Monday, November 2, 2015

The Little Black Kitty Cat - Halloween 2015

Halloween had its ups and downs this year. I love dressing up and was so excited to have a baby to plan a costume for. I had costumes decided in the middle of September. I ordered a pink 'supergirl' onesie and planned to make a little tutu to match. I was going to be Lois Lane, Jordan was going to be Clark Kent, and Madison was going to be our little super daughter..... Then life happened.
Jordan had a conference for work in California and my brother, Kimball, was giving his homecoming talk in Rexburg the weekend of our ward Halloween party. That may sound like no big deal, however, that was the only reason to have a costume. All of a sudden Halloween lost it's excitement. Spending time and money on cute matching costumes seemed silly and a waste.

Madison's Fall church outfit. I did decide that it was worth the time and money to make this.

A week before Halloween, Jordan made the ultimatum that he was going to take Madi trick or treating even though I thought she was too young, plus he had a last minute graduate student party that we needed costumes for.

Thus was born, Madison the little black kitty cat.

The costume was definitely last minute, but I loved how it turned out. I used a black outfit that I bought on clearance for two bucks last winter and sewed a cheap feather boa around the ankles and wrists. The ears are made out of felt, pipe cleaners, and some boa embellishment. I made the ears into a hair piece so she couldn't tear it out. (brilliant idea by the way!!) The tail, I made out of a wire hanger and more of the feather boa. 

 Happy Halloween!!!

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